As a Main Street America™ Accredited program, Washington Harbor District Alliance is a recognized leading program among the national network of more than 1,200 neighborhoods and communities who share both a commitment to creating high-quality places and to building stronger communities through preservation-based economic development. All Main Street America™ Accredited programs meet a set of National Accreditation Standards of Performance as outlined by the National Main Street Center.
WHDA is the key for Washington being Main Street America certified, opening opportunities for state and national grants to enhance the Harbor District through preservation-based economic development.
The four points of the Main Street approach work together to build a sustainable and complete community revitalization effort.
Establish consensus and cooperation by building partnerships among the various groups in the district.
Create a positive image that will rekindle community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in the district.
Getting into top physical shape and creating a safe, inviting environment for shoppers, workers, and visitors.
Build a Harbor District that responds to the needs of today’s consumers and nurtures business growth in our community.